Women in Church
We will also focus on the role of women in churches, which is currently a very debated topic. We want to support an open discussion about this important matter and, through encounters with the past, help find ways to ensure that women have equal opportunities and possibilities in all areas of religious life.
TICKETS for The unremovable part of being
A powerful performance is promised by the production The unremovable part of being about Ludmila Javorová, the only woman in our country who is publicly known to have been ordained a priest – against all the rules of the Church. The theatre play, directed by Eva Lietavová, will be performed at the Residence Cafe Kaprál on 28 and 29 June at 6pm.
Workshops, discussions and art about women's religious life. Meditation, contemplation, singing, discussion with sisters whose life is for most of us covered by a mysterious veil of separation. You can look forward to all this on June 30 at the Sisters in Action and Contemplation Conference at the Augustinian Abbey.