Building a Safe Space at School
School is a place where knowledge is transferred, and it should also be a place where safe relationships are nurtured and mental health is promoted. However, research shows that this is often not the case. Racism, sexism or homophobia may occur at school. Pupils and students report various issues, ranging from micro-violence in the form of belittling or overlooking to inappropriate jokes or insinuations and various forms of sexual harassment or abuse. During the workshop, these issues will be approached in an interactive way, using a combination of case study analyses, personal writing (journalling) and discussion to explore the possibilities of building safe environments at schools.
The workshop will be held by Lucie Jarkovská and Martina Nosková.
The estimated length of the program is 3 hours.
Lucie Jarkovská is a sociologist focusing on the topic of gender-sensitive education. Within the SYRI Institute, she examines the possibilities of using journalling methods in research, university teaching and group work. She is a part of a stand-up duo called Duo docentky, whose aim is to popularize research in the area of gender and feminism. Recently, they published the book Feministkou snadno a rychle. She is also the author of the book Gender před tabulí.
Martina Nosková is a lecturer teaching English and journalling methods. She holds journalling courses and popularizes personal writing (journalling) in the media. She explores ways to use journalling methods in pedagogy, both as a part of teaching and as part of well-being in the school environment. Both are involved in social resilience research under the umbrella of the National Institute for Research on the Socioeconomic Impacts of Disease and Systemic Risks.
Programme will be held in czech.