Commemoration act: Remembering the victims of the years 1939 – 1945
Home Events Commemoration act: Remembering the victims of the years 1939 – 1945

Commemoration act: Remembering the victims of the years 1939 – 1945

The infamous Kaunic Residence Hall in Brno represents the suffering of thousands of those imprisoned during the years of the nazi occupation. Hundreds of people, members of the resistance movement and Czech patriots were violently killed here. Remembering these victims is an important part of looking back at the last century. The suffering continued until autumn of 1945, when members of the German speaking minority were held here. This symbolic conclusion to the Reconciliation march will be accompanied by attendees from Germany.

Mons. Dieter Olbrich, spiritual advisor of the Ackermann-Gemeinde.
In cooperation with the Ackermann-Gemeinde.

The commemoration will be held in Czech and German and will be simultaneously translated.






Kaunic Halls of Residence
Králova 45
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