Czech and Slovak Exile of the 20th Century
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Czech and Slovak Exile of the 20th Century

Jan Kratochvil, the co-founder of the museum, will guide visitors through its premises.

The Museum of Czech, Slovak and Rusyn Exile of the 20th Century was founded by Jan and Sabina Kratochvil. It was opened to the public in 2008, in the presence of then Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek and foreign diplomats. A number of exhibitions took place here: Židovská Morava – Židovské Brno, Český a slovenský exil, 100. výročí československých legií, Život ve stínu šibenice or Rytíři nebes. The majority of the exhibitions have been repeated in both the Czech Republic and Belgium and Australia.

The Kratochvil family gathered a comprehensive collection of exhibits related to Czechoslovak and Rusyn history from the 20th century. The museum’s collection is unique thanks to the contributions of personal and institutional archives, in cooperation with the family of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik, with Jiří Ingr (son of Sergei Ingr, Army General ) and with members of the Nazdar Company in Paris. The collection was also enriched by a part of Dr. Alice Masaryková’s personal archive, which was inherited from Prof. Josef Kratochvil, her colleague and co-founder of Czechoslovak schools in exile. Contributions were also made by the Orel organization in exile, several Sokol organizations, the Czechoslovak Legionary Community in Canada, and other individuals, regional organizations, and associations. For their activities, the Kratochvil family received the City of Brno Award for Merits for Freedom and Democracy.

Programme will be held in czech.

Free admission. Limited capacity. We suggest booking your place below on this site.






Guided tour


Museum of Czech, Slovak and Ruthenian Exile of the 20th Century
Štefánikova 22
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