Czech-Slovak-German reconciliation service
Christians live their faith in community regardless of their origin and nationality, they share solidarity with others who are going through difficult times. The service touches on Jesus’ words “Do not be afraid”. John Paul II’s call during his twenty-six year pontificate “Do not be afraid!” can also inspire us today and give us courage to share our faith and hope with others. The admonition “Do not be afraid!” is also an appeal to all people, an appeal to overcome fear in the present situation of the world.
The service will be held in cooperation with the Ackermann-Gemeinde and will be held partly in Czech and partly in German.
Celebrating: Msgr. Dieter Olbrich, P. Jan Pacner, Mons. Martin Holík.
The Mass will be accompanied by the Jakubčatá, a schola of Slovak university students studying in Brno.