Gregorian Chant Workshop
Home Events Gregorian Chant Workshop

Gregorian Chant Workshop

“Nothing lifts the soul, nothing gives it wings like liturgical singing.” (St. John Chrysostom)

Gregorian chant is the oldest form of music, having existed since the 7th century. Although it has undergone many changes and crises, it still has its place in the liturgy as the unison chant of the Roman Catholic Church. Kateřina Duspivová Bartošová will guide us through the musical world of the monasteries of the first millennium and introduce us to its repertoire. Participants will hear a number of excerpts and will be able to participate in the performance.

Kateřina Duspivová Bartošová is a student of the history of Christian art who specializes in early music. She studied Gregorian chant in Paris at the prestigious L’École du Chœur grégorien de Paris and also spent a year with the French Nuns of Bethlehem.

Programme will be held in Czech only.
Free admission. Limited capacity. We suggest booking your place below on this site.






Augustinian Abbey
Mendlovo nám. 1
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