Meditation Workshop
Home Events Meditation Workshop

Meditation Workshop

“The only language of God is silence. Everything else is a translation.”
Sister Denisa Červenková will guide you through the space for encountering the truth about yourself, the World and God. The “meditation” programme is designed for those interested in contemplative living, the search for wisdom and true happiness. The introduction to contemplation is intended to bring a person into inner silence and the ability to listen to the voice of God.

Doc. ThLic. Mgr. Mgr. Denisa Červenková, Th.D., CSTF, is a Czech Catholic theologian, nun and teacher at the Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague. She specializes in spiritual theology and the relationship of Christianity to other religions. She is a member of Edith Stein’s Carmel Religious Community and, in addition to her scientific activities and religious duties, she also leads spiritual exercises at the Cologne Monastery and Meditations in the Crypt of St. Salvator in Prague.

This programme will be held in Czech only.
Free admission. Limited capacity. We recommend booking below on this page.






Augustinian Abbey
Mendlovo nám. 1
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