In an original concept of a film as a computer game, the author presents a personal report from Budapest, where she spent one year studying. The spectator is assigned a role of a participant in the game and goes through several levels, which put him in everyday moments touching the sensitive points of contemporary Hungarian society: he views the capital through the eyes of a tourist, but mostly he is forced to reflect, from a subjective point of view of Hungarian citizens, on the freedom of art, the right to education, the issue of medical care and, on a comprehensive scale, a debatable political situation where the name of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is repeatedly mentioned.
Director: Kateřina Turečková (2018, 60 minutes, Czech and English subtitles)
The screening will be followed by a debate with the author Kateřina Turečková.
Kavárna kina Scala, Moravské náměstí 3