Czech-German mass
The Christian faith connects people around the world. Christians see a true image of God in the other, regardless of nationality, colour, or origin. Together, believers address God as „Father“. „May all be one“ (Jn 17:21), Jesus calls upon us. Therefore, no one is a foreigner in the church. What unites nations and their reconciliation will be strengthened in praying together during this Mass.
The service will be celebrated by Msgr. Anton Otte, a former provost of the Vyšehrad Chapter and a longtime spiritual advisor to the Ackermann-Gemeinde, and Mons. Václav Slouk, canon
The Royal Chapter of Sts. Peter and Paul, Brno dean and priest at the church of St. James. In the past decades, Otte has been an active ambassador of reconciliation in Czech-Germanneighbourhood. The Mass is held in cooperation with the Ackermann-Gemeinde and will be said Czech and German.