There the world moves where the power is aimed!
The Czech myth about the Bata system from the perspective of two Prague-based German-writing authors Walter Seidl and Ludwig Winder.
Many discussions of the current political scene also concern the Bata myth and the myth of the ‘First Republic’. Two German authors from the Czech environment cause to consider whether we really have what we wanted, thirty years after the Velvet Revolution. Seidl’s view of Zlín in Der Berg der Liebenden (1936) is not nearly as positive as it may seem at first sight. In Winder’s novels, Dr. Muff and Die nachgeholten Freuden Bata’s system is then portrayed even more critically.
Lecturer: Zdeněk Mareček – Germanist, FF MU
The programme is held in cooperation with the German Cultural Association of the Brno Region.